Who We Are

Stephen & Shireen
While waiting in line at an amusement park in Japan, both Stephen & Shireen O’Brien felt a strong calling on their life to impact women in a positive and powerful way. They felt ‘called’ to release a T-shirt range that is built on a foundation of LOVE. Called to bring His love to the world and let women know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. That they are beautiful inside and out and that no matter what, they are truly loved by their creator.
Unconditional LOVE is what Beautiful Disregard is based on!
This revelation led the couple to embark on a plan to develop ethically made Tees with a heart to LOVE women and meet women where they are at. Fashionable items with printed words; which empower truth. This was a massive shift in the plans which this dynamic couple had for their lives; as they were both based in the medical profession.
Stephen and Shireen O’Brien have been married for over 19 years and currently live in beautiful Far North Queensland Australia. Stephen has a background in Nuclear Medicine, a Masters in Business and in 2016 he completed his ‘Certificate 4 in Ministry’. Stephen is currently pursuing further study and is a board member of the Beautiful Disregard Movement. Stephen loves to travel and enjoys mentoring start-up businesses.
Shireen is a Registered Nurse with over 20 years’ experience, a Credentialled Diabetes Educator and a passionate speaker. Shireen and Stephen established the first private Diabetes practice in Cairns Queensland called O’Brien Healthcare and this Shireen started from the boot of her car. 14 years on, Shireen is looking forward to the new challenges of this calling on her life.
Both Stephen and Shireen share a passion for ‘loving on others’ and their true goal in life is ‘to be blessed, in order to be a blessing’!
Beautiful Disregard has a heart to free women from slavery (on many levels) and every item is ethically made. So from the beginning of manufacturing to the purchase of a T-shirt; this range LOVES on women! Simple as that!!!
“Designs inspired by the heart”